Become a Member

Logo du Regroupement des cuisines collectives du Québec


514 529-3448


What does it mean to be a Member?

  • Join a national movement and a family of collective kitchens
  • Be represented through RCCQ’s advocacy for recognition and funding for collective kitchens and related issues
  • Participate in events and public debates on causes supported by the RCCQ
  • Be a stakeholder in the RCCQ and collaborate in its direction
  • Contribute to the promotion of food autonomy and the recognition of a human right to food
  • Have access to training, coaching, and support adapted to the needs of collective kitchens
  • Participate in RCCQ activities
  • Participate and vote (depending on membership type) in the Annual General Assembly (AGA)
  • Have the opportunity to sit on the Board of Directors and its committees
  • Represent the unifying values of the RCCQ across diverse activities
  • Take action and make a difference by joining a variety of working groups and events
  • Get access to documentation and information on the RCCQ and collective kitchens
  • Benefit from visibility on RCCQ platforms
  • Be reimbursed for certain participation costs
  • Get support from the Board of Directors, the administrative team, and referrals as needed
  • Receive our national publication, Croque-notes, as well as le Bloc-notes and our news feed
  • Have access to promotional material

Benefits and responsibilities, by member type

Access to documentation and informationXXXX
Visibility on RCCQ platformsXXXX
Participate (speak) in the AGAXXXX
Participate and vote in the AGAXX
May occupy one of 9 seats on the Board of DirectorsXXX
Be reimbursed for certain participation costs for the AGAX
Access to training and coaching on demandXXX
Access to promotional materialXXXX
Pay the annual membership feeXXXX
Complete renewal forms and supply statistical dataXXX
Register and record all member groupsX
Supply a resolution signed by your Board of Directors when applying for membershipX
Ensure participants sign the “letter of commitment”X
Provide other documents as neededXXX


Collective kitchen groups

A collective kitchen group includes at least three people who pool their time, money, and skills to prepare affordable, healthy, delicious food. They follow the four steps of planning, purchasing, cooking, and evaluation together, and bring the food home with them when it’s done.

A collective kitchen group must operate for at least four months before they can request membership with the RCCQ. They must also supply the RCCQ with a letter of engagement signed by their members.

Membership form – Collective kitchen groups

Organization of collective kitchens

These are community groups (incorporated or not) with a primary focus on the creation, growth, and consolidation of collective kitchen groups. One organization will include multiple collective kitchen groups. To become an RCCQ member, the organization must supply a resolution signed by their Board of Directors.

Membership form – Organization

Organization with collective kitchen component

These are community groups that dedicate some of their resources to supporting one or more collective kitchen groups. Although these organizations include collective kitchens in their mandate, they have a broader mission that also includes other activities. Examples might be volunteer centres, women’s centres, family centres, etc. As with organizations of collective kitchens, the organization must supply a resolution signed by their Board of Directors.

Membership form – Organization

Affiliate Members

Any organization, business, or person who supports the mission, values, and goals of the RCCQ can join as an affiliate member. This membership type serves those who wish to join RCCQ without being part of a collective kitchen.

Membership Form – Affiliate and Honorary Member


This member type is awarded to individuals or organizations who help the RCCQ through their work, donations, or expression of support for RCCQ’s goals. Honorary membership is a way for the Board of Directors to recognize their contributions.

Membership Form – Affiliate and Honorary Member

Receipt of documents and Decision

Once all the requested documents are received, the membership request is transferred to the RCCQ Board of Directors for approval. The RCCQ will provide written confirmation to accepted members, along with a welcome package including:

  • Member card
  • Payment receipt
  • RCCQ bylaws
  • The Base d’unité politique (“Basis of political unity”) document
  • The RCCQ’s most recent activity report, newsletter, and other relevant documents
  • Posters and flyers, a sticker, bookmark, pin, and other RCCQ promotional material

Become a Member